Virtual Help Our Students Travel (HOST)
With residency interviews continuing to take place remotely, we have adapted our Help Our Students Travel (HOST) program to serve as a connection opportunity for students and alumni to engage in one-on-one Q&A sessions — from “What do you love about your city?” to “What can I expect while working in this specialty?” We understand that students may not have the opportunity to see their potential new cities in person. Let us connect you with someone who knows all about that city, and about the resident experience!
“HOST was a great opportunity to meet local doctors and discuss the transition to residency.”
— Student participant
Students can ask to be connected with alumni based on geographic location or specialty. After a match has been made, the student and alum may communicate via Zoom, email or phone (and, if mutually agreeable, in person). While HOST conversations are intended to answer questions about residency or a particular location, students and alumni are welcome to keep in touch.
If you’re an alum with time to answer just a few questions to help a student, we encourage you to sign up. We will contact you when a student requests to speak with someone in your location or specialty area, and you can decide if there’s room in your schedule. Register now.
Timing and Confirmation
Alumni can register to become a host at any time. All hosts are contacted first to make sure they are available — no matches are set up without confirmation from the host.
Students should register for HOST when they want to be connected with an alum; timing is more flexible this year. However, please be aware that the holiday season may reduce availability from November through January. The more advance notice we have, the more likely we’ll be able to find an alum in your requested city or specialty.
When we set up a student-alumni match, we will provide the alum and the student with each other’s contact information. Students are responsible for scheduling Zoom chats and/or phone calls and sending introductory emails with questions.
Student Cancellations and Changes
If you need to cancel your request, please let the alumni office know right away. The matching process is time-consuming, so cancelling a session you no longer need will free us up to help other students like you.
Please contact the Alumni Association at or 206.685.1875.